This Is How Your Old Cellphone Could Help Save The Planet!
| By Danielle
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According to Mother Nature Network, over 150 million old or broken cell phones are dumped in the garbage every year. If that leaves you wondering what to do with your old phone: don’t worry, we have the solution for you.
An awesome tech startup called The Rainforest Connection has received enough funding through Kickstarter in order to take old Android devices and convert them into high-tech listening devices in order to prevent illegal poaching and logging practices all over the world.
The devices will be made by taking the old phones and rigging them with advanced solar-powered microphones and location devices, and then placing them high and hidden in trees in areas that are known for illegal activities. Whenever the devices pick up on noises such as chainsaws, gunshots, or distressed animal noises, the local authorities will be contacted immediately.
Creating these devices will help ensure that trees are continually being logged in a sustainable manner, and the world’s most protected animals will be safe from any poacher’s ill intentions.
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